
Starting your own Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) business is an endeavor that has the potential to be both exciting and profitable. However, it can be difficult to locate a product to sell that is not already being sold to an overwhelming quantity of customers in the market. A product is said to be unsaturated if there is a low level of competition but a high level of demand for it. This combination makes the product simpler to market and potentially more profitable. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to locate unsaturated products for Amazon FBA, and we will do so as thoroughly as possible.

Step 1: Define Your Niche

Establishing your niche is the first thing you need to do to locate an uncontested product for Amazon FBA. Your niche is the particular segment of the market or the category of products that you wish to sell. You can narrow down your search and discover products that are not already oversold in the market if you define your niche first. For instance, rather than focusing on the sale of electronics, you could shift your attention to the sale of phone accessories or gameplay accessories.

Step 2: Conduct an Investigation on Current Demands and Trends

The next thing you should do is investigate current tendencies and future needs in your specific market. Using this information, you will be able to discover products that are in high demand but have a low level of competition. Utilizing Google Trends, a free utility that displays the search volume of a particular keyword over time is one method of researching trends that can be utilized. You can use Google Searches to determine whether or not a certain product’s sales are on the rise or falling overall. Utilizing the Best Sellers and Movers & Shakers portions of Amazon is yet another method for researching current trends. These portions detail the products that have been the most successful across a variety of categories, as well as those that have seen the greatest percentage increase in sales over the previous twenty-four hours.

Step 3: Make Sure You Have All the Different Products

It is essential to check for seasonal products whenever investigating consumer tendencies and requirements. Products that have a high demand during a particular season are known as seasonal products. Some examples of seasonal products include Christmas decorations and Halloween costumes. These products have the potential to be successful; however, they are not suited for sale all year round. You should steer clear of selling seasonal products unless you only intend to do so during the time of year when demand is at its highest.

Step 4: Conduct a Competitive Analysis of the Market

After you have come up with a list of prospective products, the next thing you should do is research your competitors. You can determine whether or not the market for a product is already saturated by conducting an analysis of the competitors. You can conduct a competitive analysis by using Amazon’s search function and looking for the product keyword in their database. This will show you how many other businesses are selling the same or comparable products, as well as the prices of those products and reviews of those businesses’ products. You should steer clear of products that have an excessive number of competition or a significant number of customers who have provided negative feedback.

5. Make Use of the Available Product Research Resources

You can use the tools for product investigation to help you locate unsaturated products. These tools supply information on product sales, pricing, and the level of competitors in the market. Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and AMZ Scout are three examples of well-known instruments for conducting product research. Utilizing these tools, you can browse for products based on keywords, categories, or sales ranks. In addition to this, they offer information on the product’s anticipated monthly sales, the total number of reviews, as well as the prices of the most popular items. You can save time by making use of product research tools, which can also assist you in determining which products have a relatively untapped market.

Step 6: Investigate the Possibilities of Bespoke Labeling

Investigating the potential of private labeling products is yet another method for finding underdeveloped markets. When you engage in the practice of private labeling, you make purchases of products from a manufacturer and then redesign those products under your own label. Through the use of private labeling, you can set yourself apart from the other businesses in your industry and potentially sell products that are not offered by any of the other sellers. You can search for manufacturers on Alibaba or any other supplier directory to discover potential private labeling possibilities. In addition, you have the option of going to trade shows or making direct contact with manufacturers to explore private-label opportunities.

Step 7: Determine Profitability

When you have a list of potential products, the next stage is to determine how profitable each of those products will be. You need to think about the expense of the product, as well as shipping costs, fees charged by Amazon, and your profit margin. You should steer clear of products that have low-profit margins or that have a high shipping weight because these types of products will result in higher FBA costs.

Check for Dominance of the Company as the Eighth Step

This step is significant and essential to the process. You need to find out if a particular company is the market leader when it comes to selling the product you are interested in buying. For instance, if you are trying to sell water bottles and the brand name Coleman shows up in the majority of the spots on the first page of Amazon, then selling that product will be a risk for you. The use of Jungle Explorer is recommended as the method of choice for determining the dominant brand. When you run Jungle Scout on the website, you will find a list with the names of the brands. You can then browse through those names to determine whether or not a brand is dominant based on the number of times it appears in the list.


Staying current allows you to keep up with the latest trends and products that have just been launched on the market. As a consequence of this, you will be able to remain one step ahead of the competitors and recognize new opportunities.

Using these techniques, you will be able to identify products on Amazon FBA that have lower levels of competition, thereby increasing the likelihood that you will be a successful seller.

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3 thoughts on “How To Find Unsaturated Products For Amazon FBA

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