Foreword To Amazon FBA Game Changing Discoveries



Amazon FBA


Launching a successful private label product can be a lucrative opportunity for e-commerce entrepreneurs.

However, finding the right product to sell can be a daunting task, especially with so much competition in the online marketplace.

After launching over 50 private label products, our team has gained valuable insights into what makes a winning product.

In this guide, we’ll share our criteria for identifying products with high potential for success.

Whether you’re a seasoned seller or just starting out, these tips can help you make informed decisions and increase your chances of achieving e-commerce success.



Top Tools for Winning Amazon FBA Private Label Products!


Jungle Scout: This tool provides valuable insights into Amazon product niches, sales data, and customer behavior to help you find profitable products.

Click Here to add Chrome extension.

Jungle Scout for Amazon FBA




Helium 10: Helium 10 offers a suite of tools for product research, keyword research, and listing optimization to help you optimize your Amazon product listings and increase sales.

Click Here to add Chrome extension.

Helium 10 for Amazon FBA




Google Trends: This free tool from Google allows you to see how search volume for a particular keyword has changed over time, helping you identify trends and seasonal variations.

Click Here to visit Google Trends’ website.

Google Trends for Amazon FBA




Keepa: Keepa is a browser extension that provides price history charts, sales rank data, and stock availability information for Amazon products.

Click Here to add Chrome extension.

Keepa for Amazon FBA




Alibaba: Alibaba is a wholesale marketplace that can help you source products directly from manufacturers in China.

Click Here to visit Alibaba’s website.

Ali baba for Amazon FBA




Product Hunting Checklist:


☑️ 10,000+ search volume: High search volume for certain keywords suggests a strong market demand, while low search volume may indicate limited interest. By analyzing search volume data, sellers can make informed decisions and choose products that have a higher likelihood of success in the competitive Amazon marketplace.


Amazon FBA




☑️ Less than 1000 search results for the keyword on If there are less than 1000 search results for a specific keyword on when analyzing a product, it indicates that the competition for that keyword is relatively low. This can present an opportunity for sellers to target a niche market with less competition and potentially achieve higher visibility and sales. 


Amazon FBA




☑️ Less than 1000 sellers:  If there are less than 1000 sellers it means that the competition for that product is relatively low on the platform. This could present an opportunity for sellers to enter a niche market with fewer competitors, potentially increasing their chances of gaining visibility and sales.

However, while low competition can be advantageous, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on the product’s demand, profitability, and customer interest. Additionally, consider factors like product quality, pricing, and marketing strategies to ensure success in a less crowded market. A comprehensive analysis will help you make informed decisions and increase your chances of success as an Amazon seller.


Amazon FBA




☑️ Non seasonal and non fragile: When choosing products to sell on Amazon, it’s crucial to steer clear of seasonal and fragile items. Seasonal products may have high demand during specific times, but they can quickly become obsolete outside of their peak seasons, resulting in inventory challenges and reduced sales.

Fragile items, on the other hand, are prone to damage during shipping, leading to customer complaints, returns, and potential negative reviews. Dealing with fragile products can be costly and time-consuming, impacting your overall profitability and reputation as a seller.

By focusing on non-seasonal and non-fragile products, you can build a more stable and sustainable business on Amazon. These products generally have consistent demand throughout the year and are less susceptible to damage during transportation, ensuring a smoother and more successful selling experience. Remember, conducting thorough market research and considering customer preferences will help you make informed decisions and maximize your sales potential on the platform.


Amazon FBA




☑️ Should sell on Amazon for above $25 – $60: Selling products on Amazon within the price range of $25 to $60 can be a strategic choice for several reasons. Firstly, this price range allows you to target a broad range of customers, from budget-conscious shoppers looking for affordable options to those willing to spend a bit more for quality items.

Additionally, selling within this price range can help increase your profit margins. Higher-priced products often provide better profit opportunities, which can lead to a more sustainable and lucrative business on Amazon.


Amazon FBA




☑️ Small and sturdy: A winning product on Amazon should possess two key qualities: being small and sturdy. Small products offer various advantages, such as reduced storage and shipping costs, making them attractive to customers seeking convenient and space-efficient solutions.

Moreover, sturdiness ensures that the product can withstand wear and tear, delivering lasting value to customers and reducing the likelihood of returns or negative reviews. By combining these features, you can offer a reliable and durable solution that appeals to buyers looking for compact yet reliable items.


Amazon FBA




☑️ Less than 1000 average reviews: Products with less than 1000 average reviews on Amazon present a promising opportunity for sellers and buyers alike. Having fewer reviews indicates that the product is relatively new or less established in the market. As a seller, this means you have a chance to enter a less competitive space and potentially carve out a niche for yourself.

For buyers, products with fewer reviews can be hidden gems, offering unique features or benefits that might not be widely known yet. By considering products with lower review numbers, customers can be among the first to discover and experience something new.


Amazon FBA




☑️ 5000$ average sales of each first 10 sellers: The first ten sellers with an average sales of $5000 on Amazon have clearly found success in their respective niches. Achieving consistent sales at this level indicates that these sellers are effectively meeting customer demands and delivering products that resonate with buyers.

With an average sales figure of $5000 per seller, it’s evident that there is a healthy market demand for their products. These sellers have likely established a strong brand presence, optimized their product listings, and implemented effective marketing strategies to drive sales.

For aspiring sellers, analyzing the top-performing sellers’ strategies can provide valuable insights. Understanding their product selection, pricing, customer service, and marketing efforts can offer inspiration and guidance to improve their own Amazon businesses.


Amazon FBA



☑️ Non hazmat: Selecting non-hazardous materials (non-hazmat) for your product offerings is a wise decision that ensures safety and compliance. Non-hazmat products eliminate the risks associated with handling and shipping hazardous materials, making them easier to transport and store.

As a seller, offering non-hazmat products demonstrates your commitment to customer safety and helps build trust among your buyers. Customers can purchase with confidence, knowing that the products they receive are free from potentially harmful substances.

Moreover, selling non-hazardous items simplifies the shipping and fulfillment process, reducing the complexity and costs associated with hazmat regulations and handling procedures. 


Amazon FBA




☑️ Problem solving preferably: Choosing problem-solving products is a winning strategy for successful Amazon selling. Customers are constantly seeking solutions to their everyday challenges, and offering products that address these needs can lead to higher demand and customer satisfaction.

Problem-solving products cater to specific pain points, making them more attractive to buyers. When customers find practical solutions to their problems, they are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend the product to others, creating a positive feedback loop for your business.

As a seller, focusing on problem-solving products enables you to position your brand as a valuable resource for customers. By understanding your target audience’s pain points and providing effective solutions, you build trust and loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases and brand advocacy.

Moreover, problem-solving products often have enduring demand, making them a stable and reliable choice for your Amazon inventory. Continuously identifying and offering innovative solutions to customer needs can lead to sustained success and growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.


Amazon FBA




☑️ Lightweight: Opting for lightweight products in your Amazon inventory is a strategic move with numerous benefits. Lightweight items offer cost-effective advantages during shipping, as they typically result in lower shipping fees and reduced transportation expenses.

Additionally, lightweight products are more convenient for customers, making them ideal for e-commerce purchases. Buyers appreciate easy handling and reduced shipping times, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction and positive reviews.

As a seller, offering lightweight products also opens up opportunities for broader market reach. Lower shipping costs can enable you to offer competitive pricing, attracting more customers and expanding your potential customer base.

Furthermore, lightweight products are versatile and can cater to various niches and target audiences. Their adaptability makes them suitable for diverse applications, ensuring your offerings appeal to a wide range of buyers.


Amazon FBA




Noteworthy Notes for Growth

👉Check Amazon FBA calculator and find margins.
👉Margins 25 to 45
👉 ROI 60 to 120 percent

This is our criteria to find products for our private label clients. 



Vital Lessons

☑️ New products keep appearing on Amazon, so ‘Amazon is saturated is a myth’.

☑️ Do not go into super saturated product niches with more than 1000 sellers, otherwise, you will incur more costs on PPC due to higher bids.

☑️ There are some niches that require approvals, so always a good idea to create a dummy listing and shipping plan before placing the order with manufacturer.

☑️ Product size should be small, bulky oversize items can be a issue later on

☑️ Never run PPC on a product without at least 5 ratings, otherwise you will lose the money.

☑️ Product pictures are more important than you think, take your time to work on them.

☑️ As a beginner, you will make mistakes, its always a good idea to work with a team or professional who has been doing this. Avoid newbie VAs and “$5000 Course Seller Guru’s”.


Last but not least, read our article on Shocking Truths Behind the Buzz where we have explained the myth.






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